Sunday, April 29, 2007

Illustration Friday: Remember

Illustration Friday: Remember
watercolor pencils
I remember staying at the beach house last summer and the boys playing their gameboys in the stairwell.
I have been working on this picture for a while, I finished it this week, so I figured it would work for my Illustration Friday submission. Scroll down to see a different version of this same picture made with words.



wow, your realistic style are amazing. great works.

trowbridge chronicles said...

I enjoyed looking at your carefully drawn, painstaking renderings. You draw very well.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

another wonderful illustration!!

JO said...

Amazing drawings, really lovely.

janie said...

brilliant illo, they're all so absorbed in their own game.

Mike said...

Great work, they look very realistic.

arvindh said...

this is fantastic - you have captured the relaxed poses of children beautifully!